Shopify review 2020 – is it still worth it?

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Oh, what’s up? My name’s Chris winter and what put my in-death Shopify review for this year. Now, in this video in, go through some of the pros and also more importantly some of the cons of shopper fire, so hopefully you can figure out what it is gonna be the right platform for you to sell your own things. And also guys, I’ve got a little present for you, for watching this video.

I’ll put a link to the 25 best free Shopify apps that you need to add to your next shop, I store. These can really help increase the amount of sales and money that you can make from your store.

That list is totally free and if you wanna get it, I’ll put a link right unmet this video and you can check it out, but y way let’s jump in to this review of Shopify.

So the first thing that I wanna talk about is the ease of use of Shopify, and whether or not it’s easy to use or it’s difficult, especially if you’re a beginner or just like a business owner and you don’t really know a lot of technical coding and things like that, so the good thing is, I think, Shopify is incredibly easy to use even if you aren’t technical, even if you don’t know coding, like CSS, JavaScript, all of that kind of stuff, you can generally get your website store looking pretty good pretty quickly. So now I’m able to get a fire website up and running within around about 30 minutes because of the power of things. And we’ll talk about this a little bit more in this review coming up, but Shopify has essentially these things which allow you to brand your website or design your website without having to know pretty much any coding. Now the other great thing about super fit is that they also have a thing called sections and essentially what sections a law to do is move content in different spots and different pieces of content without having to hard code that in. So for example, if you wanted to have a map on your home page, you can easily just add that in or if you want to have a section with text and an image they’ve already created sections. And this is one of the great things about Shopify.

Now, if you do want to code in your website if you’re doing all about web development, things like that. They do have a programming language called liquid and it’s actually really powerful. So if you do know about coding… So if I can definitely work… And that’s one of the great things about you face that it’s definitely scalable, and it’s easy if you wanna start as a small little creator who doesn’t know anything about web design all the way up to, if you really wanna have a robust store with very validated code and things like that, it works really well. Hey guys, if you’re enjoying this review I’d love it if you leave a thumbs up. ’cause that’s always appreciated.

Did briefly just touch on themes and I wanted to talk about these because this is what I really find is so powerful about Shopify, and it’s actually the reason why I use Sufi as a website builder for me, not just for e-commerce. So Tom, if I have a copy theme store which is essentially a place where you can go and buy them or download them because they do also have a number of free things, so if you take a look, right here, you can say that this is the shop-five theme store and they have a number of different things which you can download some free some are paid, there’s not a massive difference between the free and paid things. You’re just gonna be getting maybe a little bit more functionality, a different design, but I find that some of their free things are really, really good. So for example, I love the Brooklyn theme and this is what I generally make an e-Matteo was on. And the reason why I love it is because it’s very quick, it’s very nice and it looks fantastic. You wouldn’t expect to have a free thing that looks this good. So you can see we have this large hero image of the top here with this menu we’ve got these different sections which is what I was talking about before. sections are great in “copperfie and this for example is a category section and you can have your featured products and it’s just so easy to make. Now, you might think this is really difficult to make, but you can pretty much get a website up and running like this in under about 10 minutes now. I actually made a fight. “chitral that I can link to in the description box below where I get a website up in 10 minutes, if you wanna do that. But what I really just wanted to talk about is just how nice the things… So for example, we have this theme here, this is called the streamline theme, as you can see, this is an incredibly good looking theme. You’ve got your products coming in with these nice animations.

I see it shows again different sections coming in and you can even have different things like videos as well playing in your whole thing. And this is that map kind of section that I was talking to you about. You can have a full on map right here.

But what I really like is that this looks super nice for just a thing that you would just essentially go and to your shop, and it’s really, really easy to do, so you can… I’ll just take a look at a product here and you can say that it’s really quick to load, as well, Shopify is incredibly quick to load. They have all of these different features like nice reviews pricing and all of this stuff is really amazing. And one of the great things about Shopify is that the things are getting better and better. Like I said before, this was the Brooklyn theme and this was a really big and theme for a long time. A lot of people use it, but now we’re getting themes, such as this one right here. The streamline thing, which is just really pushing the boundaries and it is a fantastic way to get your shop up and running.

And one of my favorite things about Shopify is that they have a free trial, and it’s a 14-day-free trial but generally you can get that extended to 30 days if you just contact customer care and say, “Hey I need a bit more time to get my set up, but like I said before, you can really test out all of the features and that’s probably one of the best things about the free Trailer. So you don’t need to put any credit at details in it, or… So what I will often do is if I have a brawl of starting up a new business, or selling a product or something like that or if I just wanna go in and design a website I’ll often just create a Shopify store with the free tram.

You have to put any credit card details in and I would start designing I’ll try out different things. And one of the great things that you can actually use paid this as your design before even buying those pad things. So, if you’re going with your free trial this is what I often do I’ll test out those things, make sure they’re really good before I’m gonna invest 100 into buying a theme and this is probably one of the best things. So there are enme. So I’ve had a free trial with… And I never followed throw with them ’cause I figured it didn’t work out in the end. But it is actually really nice that you can have a free trial test out which templates look good, show it to your friends with a password-protected site. So that’s the great thing with your free Troon can see it. But you can send out a password so people can check it out and have a look, test it out beforehand and it’s great because you don’t actually have to put any money up front to get her started.

Another incredibly powerful part of Shopify is their app store, so if you don’t know what an app store is, it’s essentially similar to what you would have on the Apple App Store, or the Google Play store, and it’s a way of adding a lot of functionality to your website by external developers so they will create an app or like a plug-in kind of that you would add to your out… To your website. So for example, if you need an Instagram feed or something like that so you wanna have your Instagram on your website, you can get the instant the app and essentially what this is gonna let you to do is have a list of all of your photos on to your website so if you look down here, you can see that it’s added this app right here. So, if someone clicks on it, that they can say this, then they can go over to your Instagram, but obviously there’s a lot more different apps and functionalities, so you can have… So for example, if you wanted to have a pop-up which I might be something that you would wanna have so you can collect leap with emails, so then you can contact them later on.

It’s so many privy which is a really good one where you can customize how it looks, proves a really popular one, even all the way through to a below which you might have heard of, if you’re doing Shopify drop shipping essentially what Abella does is connect all the way up to Eli Express, which is a place where you can drop ship from and they will do everything from connecting you to the wholesaler importing those products, and then when someone comes to your website, they can buy them and then they will be drop-ship for all the way from China, and you don’t even have to ever touch the product. It’s a very, very powerful thing in the app store is one of my favorite things about Shopify.

It’s really come a long way. In the last few years the app store because it’s they’re very robust with the app, so they don’t really allow buggy as now, if you ever used WordPress, and you’ll probably know that you can get some pretty bug plug-ins, which can slow down your website. Generally, the apps on the shop first, a really good… You can have a lot of fun. What I would do is put a link in the description box below if you wanna check out the UP store, it can be a lot of fun to check out. There are so many different apps that can really help you get more sales. And it’s one of the reasons why I really do like… So I wanted to talk about some competitors to “superfi because it’s important to not just think of one platform. There are definitely some other competitors that you might wanna think about. So the way that I would like to think this is through a few different categories. So first off you, you might be thinking about using Word Press as your online store.

What press is an incredibly powerful platform and I do love WordPress and you can use something like Word commerce to integrate it to have all of the e-commerce functions. The only problem with this is that you really need to know a fair bit more to get this store up and running, so you need to know how to install WordPress you also need to have hosting and that’s one of the great things about Shopify that you’ve got hosting built in, and all done for you.

And it’s an all-in-one store. Whereas with WordPress, you might have to go through someone like Blue Host or side-to-ground or WP engine to get the hosting for word pressing to then install it, and then on top of that, you need to install wok comes and get that set up. Now, if you know what you’re doing, this can work really well, but if you’re brand new out highly recommend using Shopify for this because it’s just all done for you pretty much all you need to do is entering your name, your store name and then choose a template. And it’s pretty much half-way done there at a few products and you’re pretty much good to go.

There are other options as well, that I would definitely look at, I’d look at… See, dotcom self-dot com, and this is gonna allow you to sell individual products and really it’s very good for digital downloads. So let’s say, for example, you have lighter impress that you wanna sell or you’ve got calendar downloads that you wanna sell.

So he’s really good for that.

You can also check out gum Road comrades, very similar to self-you where it’s really good if you’ve got a smaller catalogue and especially if you’re gonna be selling digital downloads, that’s a great one as well.

And then of course there are website builders like Wix and Squarespace which are moving more into the online store kind of territory. Now these ones are more basic and no one as robust, I would say, compared to Shopify, if you want a really solid ecommerce-based experience but they are quite easy to set up and easy to make nice templates as well. So it’s gonna come down to what you really want if you… Now, that you wanna build a website dedicated to making money online, by selling your products, whether it be digital or physical products and you wanna expand out.

I definitely look for sure, fine.

If you want just a website that’s gonna be a portfolio or something like that, and then you wanna… Maybe sell a few products on the side. I would look at Square Space at work, and then if you want to really customize product and you’re kind of comfortable with WordPress, I definitely look at WordPress and we’ll commerce that for most people I’m gonna be recommending shop for.

So, SoFi pricing is actually really quite competitive. Now, 29 might seem like a lot. If you’re coming from something that’s a free plan, but for me, I’m gonna say that this is a perfect starter kit for pretty much everyone. You probably don’t even need the 79, to Lamont plan until you… Your business is growing quite a lot. So like I said before, the 29-month plan pretty much comes with everything, and this is what I use for pretty much everything.

The only thing that not gonna be having is gift cards which is something that you might wanna give out to people, although you can still use coupon codes in the 2090 mother plan and professional reports which are kind of like analytics but you get analytics in the 29 month plan, anyway, the big difference is gonna be coming down to the credit card fees, and just the phase in general. So if you are gonna be selling a whole lot more products and you’re gonna be making a lot more money, you probably will wanna go for the 70 a month plan, because it’s gonna just become a more financial better option because you got 29% credit card rate on the 209-month plan and that goes down 03 of a percent on the 79-month plan. For most people, that’s not gonna be a lot if you’re just starting out, if you’re just selling 10 things every week or something like that, but once you are gonna be getting up to the 500 a month, 10-000 a month, you definitely wanna be looking at the 79 to learn the plan. But for most people, I’d highly recommend is starting out with a 29-month plan. save on money, you don’t need it.

Of course, there is a 2-989 advance on again, you know, if you need this, you’re gonna have be… Having a bigger business to start off with, but the great thing is that… Or you need to do is click “Start free trial, don’t even put your credit card to in, and you can start with Shopify.

That was so they were my thoughts on Shopify. I really, really love this program and this is why I spent so much time making videos about Shopify teaching guys, my short stories and my lung tutorials, teaching you guys the best apps Shopify in the best themes.

It is my go-to place for credit website. It’s creating online to…

I pretty much just anything I love south it’s probably my favorite online platform at the moment. So if you guys are interested in checking it suited how they recommended just to afraid and play around with it. You can watch my tutorial, if you want to.

It’s a little plug there and I’ll teach you how to create a really nice spray, and it’s all free as well, so play around with it using few of the template and hopefully you guys will be having your store up and running, in about 30 minutes and having it looking awesome and starting to make some money.

I do, guys, have a great day. If you like this video, please do lab a thumbs up, and make sure I subscribe as well and I’ll see you next time by.

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