More Conversion Tools Added To Launch Cart!

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We’ve been listening to you!

Thank you for your comments, help, and suggestions on how to make Launch Cart even better.

I’m excited to announce some news that’ll help you explode your bottom line even more.

We’re in the finishing touches of rolling out some additional features.

A special shout-out to the many Launch Cart sellers who’ve been asking for more control, and more tools.

That’s exactly what we’re going to do.

We want to make Launch Cart even bigger and add more features that’ll help you make more sales. That’s the whole point, right. 😉

To implement these changes we’re rolling out monthly subscription plans.

But don’t worry…

We’ll always have a no-monthly-cost plan for our sellers. It’s one of our promises to make selling online easier for everyone.

For those who want even more selling strength, we’ve got you covered.

The monthly subscription plans will let larger sellers have even more control. They’ll be able to enjoy more tools and more opportunities for scalability.

For example, active sellers have been asking if it would be possible to remove the Launch Cart branding.  (Boom)

They’ve also asked for a way to eliminate the 3% platform fee? (Boom-Boom)

They also want the ability to create bump offers, pre and post-checkout upsells, and more. (Boom-Bang-Hoorah!)

If you are using certain features that have now become part of a payment plan, you will continue to be able to use them.

Existing users will be grandfathered in depending on their current store setup.

In some situations, an existing “free plan” user will be able to keep their current store’s features without needing to upgrade.

I’ll go over those situations below…

Drag ‘n drop page builder: If you’ve created more than 3 pages in any of your stores, you can keep those pages within the free plan. If you want to create more pages, you’ll be required to upgrade.

Automatic Sales: If you’ve created any automatic sales in any of your stores, these will continue to work on the free plan. If you need to create more automatic sales, you’ll be required to upgrade.

Custom Domain: If you’ve configured a custom domain in any of your stores, this domain will continue to work on the free plan.

Scheduled Exports: If you have scheduled exports to run, these will continue to run on the free plan. If you need more scheduled exports, you’ll be required to upgrade.

Allow visitors to get notified when back in stock: If you have any products in your store that have the status “send notifications”, this will continue to work for only those products on the free plan. If you need more send notifications configured for other products, you’ll be required to upgrade.

Customize look & feel of popup: Any customization changes you’ve made to the inventory popup will continue to work on the free plan. Any new changes you want to make will require upgrading.

Customize review widget: Any customization changes you’ve made to the review widget will continue to work on the free plan. Any new changes you want to make will require upgrading.

Automatic Upsell Flows (NEW FEATURE): If you’ve already created more than 1 flow(s), these flows will continue to work on the free plan. If you need to create additional flows, you’ll be required to upgrade.


And, to kick things to our existing Launch Carters who want more control to make even more profitable sales, you can take advantage of our special 40% Special Launch price discount.

To claim this limited-time discount, login to your Launch Cart store and click on the top right profile icon > Manage Billing You can also find a link under >Settings > Plan

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About Launch Cart

Launch Cart provides the best eCommerce software on the net. Create your own online store and start selling products the professional way.

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