We’re Slashing Prices Up to 85% (Limited Time)

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We founded Launch Cart to democratize commerce and lower the barrier to entry for millions of sellers worldwide. While our competitors continue to nickel and dime their customers for every single extra feature and 3rd-party app they need, we decided to build a better platform that included those same features but at a more reasonable price while giving our users access to a more all-in-one and comprehensive ecommerce platform that is easier to use.

The world climate in 2023 has changed significantly. Rising costs and inflation have impacted everyone and we know how hard this can be for everyone. Because of this, we understand that now, more than ever, our mission to lower the barrier to entry for online sellers is that much more important. This is why we’re proud to announce that we’re slashing prices across all of our monthly plans up to 85% off for a limited time.

Our new plan prices are:

      • The Lift-off plan will now be only $13.97 per month – A 50% saving

      • The Growth plan will be 33.97 per month – A 65% saving

      • The Scale plan will be 43.97 per month – A whopping 85% saving.

    View Pricing Table For Full Details

    These prices are only for a limited time and will not be offered again. Now it’s time for you to lock in our best rates ever and get grandfathered pricing for as many store’s as you’d like. We recommend that you take advantage of this now before we go back to our regular pricing.

    As part of these new changes, we’re also making adjustments to our free plan.

    Since Launch Cart’s inception, we’ve always offered a free plan unlike any of our mainstream competitors who only offer paid plans. Our free plan originally came with unlimited product creation and a platform fee of 3%. However, as our business has grown, so have our expenses. In order to continue providing the best possible service to our customers and ensure the long-term viability of our platform, we’ve had to make the difficult decision to make some changes to our free plan.

    Starting today, our free plan will include a limit of 10 products and an increased platform fee of 6%. We understand that this may be disappointing news for some of our users, and we want to assure you that we didn’t make this decision lightly. The truth is, the cost of maintaining and improving our platform has risen significantly, inflation is at an all time high, and we need to make these changes in order to continue providing the high-quality service that our customers have come to expect.

    We want to thank you for your continued support and understanding. We’re committed to making Launch Cart the best ecommerce platform out there, and we believe that these changes will help us achieve that goal.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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    About Launch Cart

    Launch Cart provides the best eCommerce software on the net. Create your own online store and start selling products the professional way.

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