Cancer Schmancer, Founded By Fran Drescher, Offers Branded Merch Via The Launch Cart SaaS Platform

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Fran Drescher is best known for her role on the sitcom The Nanny, but these days she’s using her platform to raise awareness for a very important cause: cancer prevention. Fran Drescher is the founder of Cancer Schmancer, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives by educating the public about early detection and prevention of cancer.

In order to get the word out about her cause, Fran Drescher needed a reliable eCommerce platform that offered branded merchandise, product sourcing and fulfillment services. She turned to Launch Cart, and she’s been happy with the results ever since. 

With the power of Launch Cart and print on demand, Fran Drescher and her team never have to worry about inventory or shipping. Instead, they can focus on raising donations. Launch Cart even created an evergreen fundraiser for Drescher, which requires little to no work once set up, and will collect donations forever. 

Thanks to Launch Cart, Cancer Schmancer has been able to reach more people than ever before and make a real impact in the fight against cancer.

Cancer Schmancer’s mission is to save lives by transforming the nation’s current sick care system into one that focuses on genuine health care. They accomplish this with a three-pronged approach: Prevention, Early Detection, and Policy Change.

Their Prevention initiatives include public awareness campaigns and educational programming that inspire people of all ages to adopt healthier lifestyles. We can dramatically reduce our cancer risk by making simple changes in our daily routines – like eating more vegetables, exercising regularly, and avoiding known carcinogens.

Too often, cancer is detected only after it has progressed to a late stage when treatment is more complex and costly. Fran and her team’s Early Detection initiatives are designed to give everyone the tools to identify cancer in its earliest stages when it is most treatable.

By working with non profits like Cancer Schmancer, we can create a future in which cancer is no longer a death sentence – but a manageable condition that can be prevented and treated effectively. It’s something we cherish and value in the work that we do at Launch Cart. 

Join Cancer Schmancer in the fight for a healthier future!

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Cancer Schmancer, Founded By Fran Drescher, Offers Branded Merch Via The Launch Cart SaaS Platform

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